Enable and check YJIT in Ruby 3.2

There are a couple of ways to enable YJIT for your Ruby application and also a couple of ways to check if YJIT is enabled.

Usually, you could activate YJIT using ruby --enable-yjit -v. However, in our (mostly) container-based world, this does not do much. You can set an environment variable for those cases named RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE and set it to 1. This is an instruction you could include in your Dockerfile.


To check if YJIT is enabled, there are two ways.

First, ask the Ruby version for your system. It will tell you if YJIT is enabled.


$ ruby -v
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-darwin22]

YJIT enabled:

$ ruby -v
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) +YJIT [x86_64-linux-musl]

Another way is to ask from within an irb session.


$ irb
irb(main):001:0> RubyVM::YJIT.enabled?
=> false


$ irb
irb(main):001:0> RubyVM::YJIT.enabled?
=> true